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Polymer Processing Aid Additive Masterbatch

SKU: RECY-MI-PO-3544 Categories: Tag:


Polymer Processing Aid Additiv...

Polymer Process Aid (PPA) masterbatches are specifically designed to enhance extrusion ability of plastics (PE Films, pipes, tubes…) leading to productivity and / or quality improvement.

These Masterbatches are based on Fluoropolymers and are widely recommended for improving the processibility of polymers at higher shear rates.These are formulated to form a microscopic dispersed phase within the polymer carrier. During processing the fluoropolymer gets coated on the walls of the extruder and die. This reduces the extuder backpressure to decrease. To achieve the coating in a reasonable time the process aid masterbatch is typically added at 1% until the beneficial effects are seen. After this the addition rate can be reduced to 0.5% down to even 0.25% as long as the effect continues to be evident. A small addition must be maintained throught the extrusion run.

Normally there is a common practice to process at higher temperatures to get maximum out put which causes degradation, die deposition and reduction in mechanical properties. By adding PPA MB , processing is possible at lower temperature with higher output without compromising the mechanical properties.