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Monolayer Film Plant

SKU: RECY-KA-MO-4642 Categories:


Monolayer Film Plant


We offers rugged Compact Monolayer Blown Film Lines with best combination of technology and performance. These low investment, power efficient, high – speed plants, gives processors the competitive edge and quick return on their investment. Monolayer lines give higher specific output per screw RPM and is offered with grooved feed technology for forward movement of raw material and Candle type screen changer which ensuring wastage control and long production runs.


Model KET – 33835 KET – 33040 KET – 33547 KET – 31355 KET – 32360 KET – 37265 KET – 35260
Screw Dia (mm) 35 X 26 D 40 X 26D 47 X 26D 55 X 26D 60 X 30D 65 X 26D 60X 30 D
Main Drive AC (KW) 9.2 15 22 22 55 37 55
Output (Kg/ Hr) 35 60 80 – 85 90-95 130 – 150 110 130 – 150
Lay flat Width (Kg/hr) 350 – 450 425 – 625 550 – 850 700 – 1000 1000 – 1600 950 – 1380 1600 – 2100
Thickness Range (Microns) 10 – 50 10 -100 10 – 100 10-100 20 – 100 15 – 100 40 – 150
Die Size (mm) 60 HM 90HM 115HM 150HM 330LLD 300LLD 450LLD
Nip Roller Size (mm) 510 710 925 1110 1800 1450 2350
Nip Drive AC (KW) 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 1.5 1.5 1.5
Max. Line Speed (Mt/ min) 70 10 100 80 60 60 15
Surface Winder Width (mm) 500 700 925 1100 1800 1450 2400